Mobility Scooters

Should I buy a 3 wheel or 4 wheel scooter?

3 wheel mobility scooters maneuver better in tight spaces and around sharp turns. If you’ll be using your scooter indoors, 3 wheel scooters will take those sharp turns more efficiently than 4 wheel models due to their smaller turning radius.

4 wheel mobility scooters, on the other hand, provide more stability and perform better on uneven surfaces than their 3 wheel counterparts. If you have trouble with balance, a 4 wheel scooter will be the best option for you. These models are generally better suited for outdoor use or for users looking for that extra level of stability.

What should I look for when buying a mobility scooter for the first time?

Every person has unique needs and preferences. There are a wide variety of options to choose from when selecting the right scooter for you.

Frequent travelers may want something highly portable, a scooter that can be folded or broken down into smaller pieces with minimal effort to efficiently get from A to B. If this sounds like you, then you’ll want to check out travel scooters and folding scooters. These models are compact and designed to fit inside the trunk of your car when folded or disassembled. Many are also airline approved for safe air travel. 

For daily errands and quick trips to the store, travel scooters are a great choice since they are compact and portable. They also feature an accessory hitch on the back of the seat to hold rear baskets, which are perfect for groceries and shopping.

If you’ll be using your scooter outside in rough terrain or in place of a vehicle, driving to the grocery store or around town, then you’ll want to look at heavy duty scooters. These models have larger tires and higher ground clearance for better outdoor navigation. Heavy duty scooters often feature suspension for a smoother ride. They typically also feature large captain’s seats for a more comfortable longer ride. You will need a scooter lift to be installed on your vehicle with these larger scooters.

For people who plan to use their scooter for all-day outings or long shopping trips, a mid or full size scooter might be perfect for you. (Some companies call them mid size scooters while others call them full size. We say full size, but either term can be correct.) Full size scooters are a little bigger than travel scooters, offering more leg and foot room, but they are still generally travel-friendly. Some units disassemble into smaller parts for easy travel, while others require a scooter lift. These scooters also typically feature a larger, more comfortable seat. They are sized somewhere in between compact travel scooters and large heavy duty scooters. 

Battery range and weight capacity are both important factors when deciding which scooter is right for you. Typically, smaller travel scooters have a weight capacity of 250-350 lbs and an average range of 10-15 miles. Larger scooters, both full size and heavy duty, usually can hold 400-500 lbs and travel 15-20 miles or more before needing a charge. 

What is the difference between a travel scooter and a folding scooter?

Transformer Automatic Folding Travel Scooter, Airline Approved | Enhance Scooters for Sale | My Mobility StoreAll folding scooters can be considered travel scooters, but not all travel scooters are folding scooters. 

Folding scooters fold for easy travel – usually in less than a minute, sometimes even less than 30 seconds! These foldable scooters are designed to quickly fold and often can be pulled behind you like a suitcase. Some folding scooters come with a remote that automatically folds the scooter for you, while others must be folded and unfolded manually. When you get to your destination, simply unfold the scooter and go! Most folding scooters typically weigh 40-60 lbs.

Travel scooters are small, compact scooters that are designed for frequent travel. These scooters either disassemble into smaller parts that fit easily inside your vehicle or fold for easy transport. The disassembly is designed to be user-friendly, and the heaviest part typically weighs anywhere from 25-50 lbs, depending on the size of your travel scooter.

Both folding and travel scooters are portable, compact, and designed for travel.

Why NOT to buy a mobility scooter on Amazon?

Customer service and support after your purchase are much easier for you when you buy directly through an authorized dealer.

When you purchase a mobility scooter on Amazon, the dealer (seller) cannot get in direct contact with you via email or phone number if there is any question, issue, or shipping delay. Conversely, if you need to contact the seller because there happens to be an issue once you receive your scooter, it is much quicker to resolve when you, as the customer, are able to contact the seller directly. At My Mobility Store, we are here for you and can help you much faster and more directly.

Also, if you need to activate the warranty for any reason, you won’t have to jump through hoops to do so when you buy through an authorized dealer like us. You can easily call or email us and we will help you immediately. 

Amazon does not check whether their sellers are authorized dealers. When you shop with an authorized dealer, you know that they work closely with the manufacturer. If you shop with Amazon, you don’t know who is selling you the scooter and for all you know there is no actual warranty on it.


Should I buy a power wheelchair or scooter?

If you have a hard time walking short distances and will be using your mobility device full time, you may prefer a power wheelchair.

If you can walk short distances easily but have trouble walking longer distances, a mobility scooter may be more ideal for you.

Power wheelchairs have smaller turning radiuses and navigate very well inside the home, whereas scooters can be a bit bulky to use inside your home. Generally, these electric wheelchairs provide more stability than scooters and are designed for full time use. 

Mobility scooters, on the other hand, are designed to be used often but not necessarily full time. Scooters are meant to get you from A to B and anywhere in between, but usually people who use scooters can walk around their home without the need for a mobility device. 

Some people actually use both. They will use the power wheelchair for when they’re at home and a mobility scooter for when they’re traveling outside the home for errands, shopping, or social events.

When deciding between a power chair and a scooter, it really comes down to what is most comfortable for you. We recommend testing both in person so you can get a feel for which mobility device will work best for you.

What is a Delta tiller?

Go-Go Elite Traveller Delta Tiller | My Mobility StoreDelta tillers, specifically, are D shaped and padded so your hands can rest comfortably while you drive. This type of tiller is ergonomic and beneficial for people with arthritis or hand pain.

The tiller of a mobility scooter is the steering column with the control panel that includes the speed knob, battery monitor, and any extras like the horn or light switches. Some tillers feature handlebars like a bike and others are Delta tillers.

What is the difference between a lithium battery and SLA battery?

Lithium batteries are lighter in weight, more efficient, and have longer ranges than SLA batteries. If the mobility device comes standard with an SLA battery, a lithium battery is usually considered to be an upgrade and will add an additional cost to the unit.

SLA (Sealed Lead Acid) batteries are more affordable but are heavier and generally don’t last as long as lithium batteries. SLA batteries come standard on most mobility scooters and power wheelchairs, and they are considered to be universally airline approved.

In order for a lithium battery to be airline approved, it must pass a specific test to be allowed into the plane cabin. The airline will usually allow the lithium batteries in the lower deck of the plane without question (where the checked luggage is stored), but if you want to bring the lithium battery onto the plane with you, you will need to show proof of the official UN 38.3 battery certification and/or owner’s manual.

How can I go on an airplane with my mobility scooter?

Typically, when you check in for your flight, the attendant will give you a tag for your mobility scooter. You can usually drive onto the passenger boarding bridge and the crew will take the tagged scooter right before you get onto the plane, similar to any carryon luggage that was too big for the overhead bins. Be sure to bring your scooter’s user manual and any battery certifications with you as well in case the flight crew requests it. You may be asked to remove the battery.

There are some smaller scooters that are airline approved and can be taken directly onto the plane with you. These scooters are typically designed to fit inside the overhead bin either by folding or breaking down into smaller parts. When you request to bring your scooter directly onto the plane, the flight crew will most likely ask you for the battery certification (UN 38.3 Certification) and/or the owner’s manual. They need to make sure the battery is safe to be brought onto the plane itself.

If the scooter uses an SLA battery, the pilot will most likely let you bring the scooter and battery onto the plane. If it’s a lithium battery, for safety reasons, they will need to ensure that the battery is actually approved for safe air travel and may tell you that the scooter will need to be stored underneath with the luggage. If you show them proof that the battery is safe and airline approved with the UN 38.3 battery certification, they may let you onto the plane with the scooter, but the final decision is up to the pilot.

Always call your airline before traveling with your mobility scooter, as different airlines have different regulations.

What is the best mobility scooter for outdoors?

Wrangler Heavy Duty Mobility Scooter in Desert Sand | My Mobility StoreHeavy duty scooters are designed to handle tough outdoor terrain and can even be used as a main transportation vehicle. These rugged scooters are usually equipped with suspension and lighting systems for a more enjoyable, safe ride.

Many full size and travel scooters can be driven outside on paved surfaces, such as sidewalks, parking lots, and any smooth pavement or concrete. 

Basically, the best mobility scooter for outdoors depends on what type of outdoor driving you’ll be doing. If it’s for everyday travel needs, like shopping and social activities, a travel or full size scooter should be all you need. But if it’s for more extreme outdoor use, like hunting, where you’ll be driving over a lot of uneven terrain and/or require a high ground clearance, heavy duty scooters are the way to go.

Why does My Mobility Store carry only these models?

Authorized Pride Provider | My Mobility StoreThe brands we carry are trusted, safe, reliable, and considered to be the best in the industry. We work solely with manufacturers who produce the highest quality products. Choosing a brand that has an efficient warranty and parts department, as well as effective customer service, is incredibly important to us because we know it affects our users. Customer satisfaction is essential to us!

Will I need a vehicle lift for my mobility scooter?

AL100 Universal Mobility Scooter Lift for Vehicles | Harmar Lifts for Sale | My Mobility StoreTravel scooters and and folding mobility scooters typically do not require a vehicle lift because they fold or disassemble to fit easily in the trunk of your vehicle.

Mid size / full size scooters that disassemble will not need a lift for your vehicle, provided that (a) you can lift the heaviest part and (b) all the pieces of the scooter fit inside your vehicle’s trunk or backseat.

All large and heavy duty scooters will require a vehicle lift for travel.

If your mobility scooter does require a vehicle lift, you will need to have it professionally installed.



Are spare parts readily available? Is the repair process simple?

Yes, spare parts are readily available for repairs. We only work with dependable and trusted brands that can conveniently and quickly provide parts.

The process begins with a diagnosis of your mobility device either over the phone or in person. Once the problem has been found, a repair can be made if parts are on hand. If they are not, then we reach out to the manufacturer and put an order request in for specified parts. Upon arrival of the parts, our technicians will promptly make the required repair followed by a call to you letting you know that your service is complete.


What brands do you service?

At My Mobility Store we service any brand of mobility devices that we carry in our store.


What is a freewheel lever and how do I use it?

Freewheel Lever | My Mobility StoreThe freewheel lever is the neutral lever for the scooter or power wheelchair and can typically be found on the rear end of your device.

A simple push of the lever will put the unit in neutral and allow you to move it easily. It’s like putting your car into neutral. You can push or pull the scooter where you want to as needed for tight spaces or getting the device into your home.

When using freewheel mode, you should turn off your scooter, as it may emit a (very loud) beeping sound otherwise. When you’re ready to ride again, simply switch off freewheel mode and turn on your scooter.



Is it safe for me to drive my mobility device in the rain, snow, or other inclement weather?

Traveling with your mobility device in the rain is not ideal. It is important to be prepared should you find yourself outside when the rain hits. Being in Florida, we know this can happen unexpectedly (especially in the summer!).

The electronic controls are at most risk, so if you find yourself out and about during a rain or snowstorm, the scooter control panel (dashboard) is the first thing you should cover. For power wheelchair users, this would be the joystick and/or hand controls. 

When you are able to get home or to a covered facility, dry off the controls immediately if they got wet during your drive.


How frequently does my device need to be charged?

If you drive your mobility device daily, then the device should also be charged daily. If the device is being stored or only used on occasion then be sure to charge the device about once per week to maintain a healthy battery.


Is there a proper method to charge my mobility device?

Yes. It’s important to refer to your owner’s manual for the best charging procedure for your device.

In general, to ensure that your device’s batteries are properly charged, you’ll want to start by making sure the scooter is off. Connect the charger to the wall and then to the device’s charging port. Once plugged into both the wall and the scooter, a light on the charger should illuminate red/orange indicating that it is charging. Once the light has turned green, then your device is fully charged. Once it is fully charged, be sure to remove the charger from the device and the wall.

Do not allow your device to stay plugged in while the light indicates a full charge, as this may result in damage to the batteries’ life expectancy.


Does my mobility device require maintenance?

Yes. It’s important to keep your batteries properly charged and your device clean to help it last longer.

Monthly maintenance will also go a long way in protecting your device from unwanted circumstances, such as lubricating any area that has moving parts and checking the tires’ air pressure if they are pneumatic. Avoid moisture and water, as those can both be detrimental to the electronics of the device.

We recommend that you get your mobility device serviced at least once a year if you are using your scooter or power chair on a regular basis.


Where can I find my serial number?

The easiest place to check for the serial number is your owner’s manual. There is typically a sticker attached to the manual with the serial number and other important device information on it.

If you don’t have your user manual, there will be a sticker on your mobility device with the serial number. The serial number placement will depend on the brand of your device and can vary from model to model. 

Serial No. WTBS20A0289 Used, Like New | Buzzaround XLS-HD 3 Wheel Travel Scooter by Golden Technologies | Clearance Store | My Mobility StoreThe majority of Pride and Golden Scooters will have a sticker on the base of the seat post tube, which you can access by removing the battery pack. Pride Scooter serial numbers start with an S. All Pride serial numbers are 14 characters long and are shown on a white sticker. For certain Pride Mobility models, such as the Zero Turn 10, you will need to remove the seat as well to access the serial number on the post.

Pride Power Wheelchair serial numbers start with a J and can usually be found on the main frame of the power chair near the batteries. It may also be found on the seat post if the unit features a clover leaf style. 

Some Golden Technologies models, like the Companion series, conveniently show the serial number underneath the floor mat.

Enhance scooters serial numbers can be found underneath the battery.

Drive Medical will typically have a sticker with the serial number on their shroud or on the frame towards the rear of the device.

If you can’t find your serial number, feel free to give us a call. You can also call the manufacturer and they will be able to walk you through where to find it. There are also many helpful videos on YouTube showing the process. 


Wheelchair Vans:

Does My Mobility Store accept trade-ins for wheelchair vans?

Yes, we accept trade-ins when you purchase a wheelchair accessible van with us.


Are there any programs or reimbursement policies available regarding purchasing or converting a wheelchair van?

Yes, there are many rebate & reimbursement programs available to reduce the cost of your vehicle adaptive equipment. You will need an eligible vehicle to qualify for the rebate. For more information, check out our Vehicle Rebate Program page here.


What kind of wheelchair vans are available?

2022 Honda Odyssey EX (Side Entry, Red) | Wheelchair & Handicap Accessible Vans for Sale | My Mobility StoreWheelchair Vans offer both side entry & rear entry models. Determining which model will work the best will be the first step to choosing your wheelchair accessible van.

If you’ll be driving the van, the side entry model will be the better choice for you. They typically feature removable front seats, offering up-front access for your wheelchair. Side entry vans are also ideal if you would like to keep your trunk space free or you will be driving multiple passengers.

Rear entry models don’t provide wheelchair access to the front seat. However, rear entry models are often less expensive and require less modifications to the van. They are also easier to park because the ramp is accessed from the rear of the vehicle as opposed to needing space to the left or right of your vehicle to lower the ramp, like side entry models are required to have.

Both rear entry and side entry conversions are available with manual or automatic fold-out ramps.


Vehicle Lifts

Will using the lift while my vehicle is off put too much strain on its battery?

Using the automatic function of your vehicle lift excessively while the vehicle is not running can drain the battery until it is dead. That being said, as long as you aren’t lifting and lowering it just for the joy of it, you should not have to worry about it, as the alternator of your vehicle will charge your battery once you begin driving.


Can I install a vehicle lift myself?

We recommend all vehicle lifts to be professionally installed due to the complex nature of the installation. 


Should I buy an inside vehicle lift or an outside vehicle lift for my scooter / power chair?

Harmar AL6000HD for Sale | Heavy Duty Hybrid Platform Lift for Power Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters | My Mobility StoreOutside lifts are easy to operate and won’t take up space inside your vehicle. With an outside lift, you simply ride your mobility device onto the lift platform, and a convenient switch raises or lowers the platform. However, your device will be subject to weather, as it stays outside of the vehicle while you drive.  If you decide on an outside lift, you may want to invest in a weather cover for your scooter or power chair. Vehicle modifications are not usually necessary with outside lifts.

Inside lifts store the mobility device inside the vehicle, so this may be a better option for you if you live in a state with harsh weather. Your vehicle may require modifications to install an inside lift. Inside lifts are not as simple to operate as outside lifts generally, but the biggest benefit is that your device will be protected against weather.

Hybrid lifts are something to consider as well when it comes to weather protection. These lifts are mounted inside the vehicle, but the platform moves out and down so that you can drive your mobility scooter or power chair directly onto the platform (see picture). Then the lift moves up with the device and stores it in the vehicle’s cargo area. Hybrid lifts offer the convenience of an outside lift platform as well as the weather benefits of the inside lifts.

For more information, Harmar has a very helpful article on the different types of lifts that you can read here.


Can weather damage my vehicle lift?

Since the motor & its electrical components are housed in a secured protective casing, inclement weather will not harm your vehicle lift.


Does my lift require maintenance?

Yes, every vehicle lift is suggested to be serviced once a year and routinely inspected if possible.

You can prolong the life of your vehicle’s lift by checking the areas that have moving parts on a monthly basis. For example, exterior lifts have a moving shaft that will raise and lower the scooter; it is vital to keep the shaft lubricated for a smooth operation.

It is also important to consistently check your hardware due to road vibrations when traveling because it can cause the hardware to loosen over time in which tightening of said hardware will be required.

Power Wheelchairs

Can I use my power wheelchair during inclement weather?

Using your power chair during inclement weather is not recommended. Many components of a power wheelchair are susceptible to water damage. That being said, the majority of power wheelchairs are splash resistant and can handle light rain. You may want to consider purchasing a joystick hand control cover for the power chair, as it is one of the most susceptible parts to damage.

If the option for disassembly is available, is the process easy with a power wheelchair?

Yes, in general the process is considered to be easy. Portable power wheelchairs that disassemble are designed to be user-friendly, so they make the process as easy as possible.

Make sure you can lift the heaviest part, as the difficulty usually comes with lifting the heavier pieces of the chair. Please refer to the owner’s manual for disassembly information.

Some products also offer how-to videos on disassembly. Our YouTube channel features many helpful assembly / disassembly videos for specific power chairs. You can check our channel out here


Are there accessories available for power wheelchairs?

Yes. Just like most mobility scooters, power wheelchairs also include a wide variety of accessories available for your power chair to better suit your needs. You can check out our selection of power chair accessories here.


Will I have to assemble my power wheelchair when it arrives?

Most power wheelchairs will require some basic assembly. Assembly requirements will depend on your power chair model. Please refer to your owner’s manual. Some products also have assembly videos on YouTube with helpful instructions for unboxing and assembling your new power chair.

Our YouTube channel features many helpful assembly videos for specific power chairs. You can check our channel out here


Will I need a vehicle lift for my power wheelchair?

Harmar AL6000HD for Sale | Heavy Duty Hybrid Platform Lift for Power Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters | My Mobility StoreFolding and portable power chairs typically do not require a vehicle lift because they fold or disassemble to fit easily in the trunk of your vehicle. As long as you can lift the heaviest part and the different power chair parts fit inside your vehicle, you will not need a vehicle lift.

Most other power wheelchairs require a vehicle lift for travel.

If your power chair needs a vehicle lift,  you will need to have it professionally installed.