Shop Stair Lifts

Benefits of Stair Lifts

Enjoy More Freedom

Having a stair lift installed inside your house allows you to regain independence and enjoy your time at home. If climbing stairs is difficult or impossible for you due to disability or age, installing a stair lift will give you the freedom to move around within your home upstairs and down.

Many people choose to move to an assisted living facility when the stairs become an obstacle. Moving is stressful, not just act of the move itself, but also in leaving your home where everything is decorated and designed your way. With a professionally installed stair lift you’ll be able to continue living at home where you’re most comfortable. 

Easy To Operate

Stair lifts are custom built to your home and are designed to be user friendly, making them very easy to use and operate. Simply sit down on the seat and put on the seatbelt, then press the switch! The seat will automatically take you up or down the stairs, and you won’t need any assistance from another person.

With today’s technology, modern stair lifts offer a smooth and stable ride. They are also compact, secured closely against the wall or existing rails so that your friends and family can pass easily. Whether it’s custom made to fit a curved staircase or straight, the rails are built to fit exactly in your space ensuring that the stair lift suits your home and decor perfectly.

2000 Curved Stair Lift by Handicare | Retractable Seat Belt

Get A Professional Estimate

We will come to your home and provide a FREE estimate for your custom built stair lift.

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